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Bringing Learning to Life and Life to Learning
At the heart of Gorse Ride Schools, lies a dynamic, knowledge-rich curriculum that provides children with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to become lifelong learners, who respect community and have resilience to succeed. We use our Gorse Ride Vision (Growth, Respect, Succeed) to develop positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.
Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values of:
Gorse Ride Curriculum Rationale (Intent)
Our fundamental principle is to provide an ambitious and engaging curriculum for all at Gorse Ride Schools. We are a school which is determined to achieve the best outcomes for our children to ensure they have all the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes needed to be successful at school and beyond. Our ‘drivers’ are knowledge, oracy and values. The purpose of our Teaching and Learning Policy (please CLICK HERE to see full document) is to inform the school community about our aims, principles and strategies for effective teaching and learning.
At Gorse Ride Schools we recognise that education involves children, parents, staff, governors, the community and the local authority, and that for optimum benefit all should work closely together to support the process of learning. Working in partnership, and through our core vison of Grow, Respect and Succeed, we aim to:
Deliver a curriculum based on the National Curriculum with clear pathways of progression and key milestones throughout the learning journey.
Build on children’s prior knowledge and achieve deep understanding, by helping them connect new knowledge with existing knowledge so they are fluent and confident at applying their knowledge and skills.
Provide a language rich and stimulating curriculum with ‘hooks’ and practical experiences to ensure high levels of engagement.
Develop oracy and critical thinking skills through the use of enquiry-based project learning.
Motivate children to work in a kind and collaborative school community, whereby relationships are underpinned by mutual respect.
Provide challenge to develop children’s resilience and nurture their self-esteem through appropriate scaffolds and authentic praise.
Ensure that all children have equal access to a curriculum that supports their needs and prepares them for their next stage in learning.
Involve parents and the wider community to enrich our curriculum and give children opportunities to celebrate success and share their learning with authentic audiences.
Equip children with the knowledge, skills and values needed to become reliable, positive citizens who make meaningful contributions to their own community and beyond.
Pupils at Gorse Ride Schools develop the skills and attitudes to become lifelong learners, who respect community and have resilience to succeed. Gorse Ride aims to provide children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and life beyond school. We use our Gorse Ride Vision (Growth, Respect, Succeed) to develop positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.
Senior Leadership TeamEileen Rogers - Executive Head Teacher for Gorse Ride Schools Becca Dreesden - Deputy Head Teacher for Gorse Ride Schools Laura Hodgson - Deputy Head Teacher for Gorse Ride Schools Sarah Copperthwaite - Assistant Head Teacher for Gorse Ride Infant School Sian Biggar - Assistant Head Teacher for Gorse Ride Junior School Kathryn Dewey - Inclusion Manager for Gorse Ride Schools Nicole Wallace - Business Manager for Gorse Ride Schools
Nursery StaffSuzy Davies - Teacher Karen McBrearty - Lead Early Years Practitioner Amber Williams - 1:1 Early Years Practitioner
Infant StaffSarah Fox – Teacher Reception Class Caroline Goodall - Teacher Reception Class Sarah Copperthwaite - Teacher – Year 1 Kelsey Tuffs - Teacher - Year 2 Margaret Williams - Higher Level Teaching Assistant Pippa Baldwin - Teaching Assistant Heather Evans - Teaching Assistant Hayley Pearce - Teaching Assistant Tara Walsh - Teaching Assistant Denise Ticehurst - Teaching Assistant Tracy Devine - Teaching Assistant
Junior School StaffAngela Davies - Teacher – Year 3 Iram Nackvi - Teacher - Year 4 Anna McSherry - Teacher - Year 4 Sue Barnes - Teacher - Year 4 Andrew Beautement - Teacher – Year 5 Emma Nash - Teacher - Year 5 Anne Lockwood - Teacher - Year 5 Sian Biggar - Teacher – Year 6 Jo Chitty - Teacher - Year 6 Jacky Heaton - Teaching Assistant Jacqui Williams - Teaching Assistant Shelley Clarke - Teaching Assistant Andrea Murray - Teaching Assistant Sue Todd - Teaching Assistant Sally Ruffles - Teaching Assistant Louise Pullen - Teaching Assistant Rachel Sollars - Teaching Assistant / HLTA Derek Wright - Teaching Assistant Carlee Klein - Teaching Assistant Claire Woodhouse - Teaching Assistant
Inclusion TeamKathryn Dewey - Inclusion Manager / SENCO Emma Leach - Inclusion & Intervention Mentor Emma Wheatley - Inclusion & Intervention Mentor Elizabeth Prowse - Inclusion & Intervention Mentor
Admin StaffHannah Booth - Secretary in the Infant School Mandy Lakeman - Secretary in the Junior School Alison Datta - Finance Officer, Gorse Ride Schools Heather Carrie - HR Officer, Gorse Ride Schools Heather Carrie - Before & After School Club Co-ordinator, Gorse Ride Schools Heather Carrie - Attendance Officer, Gorse Ride Schools
ICT TechnicianAlec - Inspired ICT Ltd
Site ManagementRyan Purser - Site Manager, Gorse Ride Schools
Lunchtime StaffMargaret Williams - Supervisor Heather Evans - Supervisor Emma Wheatley - Lunchtime Playworker Hayley Pearce - Lunchtime Playworker Sue Chapman - Lunchtime Playworker Ryan Purser - Lunchtime Playworker Sarah Broomfield - Lunchtime Playworker William Bickerton - Lunchtime Playworker Tracy Devine - Lunchtime Playworker Nicola Garfoot - Lunchtime Playworker Pippa Baldwin - Lunchtime Playworker Charlotte Kensington - Lunchtime Playworker Carlee Klein - Lunchtime Playworker Sarah Sherfield - Lunchtime Playworker Amber Williams - Lunchtime Playworker Claire Woodhouse - Lunchtime Playworker
Before & After School ClubsEmma Leach - Supervisor ASC Emma Wheatley - Deputy Supervisor Charlotte Kensington - Deputy Supervisor Sue Chapman - Playworker Shelley Clarke - Playworker Derek Wright - Playworker William Bickerton - Playworker Elizabeth Prowse - Playworker Amber Williams - Playworker